Google Adsense:Get Approved in no time

Hello Friends Today i am here that sounds quite unusual from its name.Today i will show you how you can create an approved adsense account in no time. This isnt any image this requires just a little imagination and a bit intelligence.Google adsense is something that is too tricky that common people like you would find it difficult pass through it's program policies, terms and conditons.This is quite unusual from google saying that your account is dissapproved for so and so reasons.But this time I made a genuine trick to bypass Google's security .

Step 1

Go to gmail and create a new account and link your new gmail account to youtube

Step 2

Search For technologyical videos on google by narrowing searches for example " Past Hour".
Download That Video To Your Pc . You Must Go only for new technology video so they will not be indexed by google at the time you are downloading them.

Step 3

Now Go To Youtube and upload the video you have just downloaded . Make Sure that your video have better taglines.

Step 4

After Uploading Your Video Go To Monetization tab and enable your account. Make Sure that you are not using any adblock on your browser or pc.

Step 5

After Some minutes you will get a email from google saying that your adsense account has been enabled for monetization . Then you are lucky.

Step 6

Now Go To Payment section in youtube and then click on the tab saying "create a new account for adsense".Now Create Your Account with genuine name and adress. and they will send you a email that your adsense account has been created with a link to your adsense account.Example:-

Step 7 - Important

From your adsense account move to section called Account settings and scroll down to access and authorization.Click on" Sites authorised for adsense" option.Here you add your website to adsense complete the necessary steps as they say you.And that's it..Your adsense account has been created with no efforts.

For blogspot Users

After you have created your adsense account as above .Sign in to your blogger with the new email activated for adsense (First you have to make the new email -The admin of your blog you can do it by going to settings in blogger and adding author and later making him as admin).Now go to earning section and click on tab and then link your adsense to blogger

Happy Earnings