Add A Disuqs Combination Widget to Blogger

Hello Friends after sharing so many widgets on disqus this could probable be the last widget of the disqus series.I have explained many posts on how you can install disqus commenting system in your blog.How to install the top commentors widget in your blogger blog.How to install recent comments widget in your blog.But today i will be sharing that how to add a combined disqus widget in your blogger blog.This widget will show the recent comments widget and with that the most popular content menas that you can show tha post that has got the maximum number of comments and the top commentors widget is well.So this is probable the best disqus widget i am sharing with you because you can show all the widget in just 1 widget and that will not make effect on your blog loading time adding 2 or 3 widgets of disqus can effect your sites loading time but this widget will not effect the loading time it loads out pretty quickly and worls like a charm.So follow the below steps to add this cool widget to your blogger blog.

Blogger Disqus Series
5. Add A Disuqs Combination Widget to Blogger



  • In the First Field Enter your disqus id.You can find it from your disqus
  • In the next Field Replace 5 with the number of posts you want.
  • In the next field change it to 1 if you want to hide moderators from this widget.
  • Last field change it to the nuber of charcters you want for the description .
  • Finally click on generate and then on to add to blogger
  • THats it Friends .Now enjoy a disqus combined widget in your blogger blog.