Poke is a feature in facebook that you all might be aware of.If you dont know what is poke then let me explain poke is a feature led by facebook to get attention of any user. You can also compare poke with the buzz option in yahoo chat.Manually poking back to every person might be a big problem so we are here with a simple thing to make this process automatic. It will use a extension in google chrome by which you will we able to make this process automatic.This Extension will Only work in chrome.
Auto Poke Back using Chrome Extension
Poke All For Chrome Extension give you the possibilities to poke all of your friends back in just a single click. It also has an automatic feature Which you can select and every poke will be reverted back automatically.So now you can install this extension in chrome.
So now after installation just visit Facebook and click on this hand icon in your status bar now you c will see all your pokes you can select Auto Poke or just click on the Poke All option.