How to Enhanche Protection and security of your blogger blog

Blogging is known as a weak platform as compared to wordpress blogs.The reason behind this is that it offers good interactivity between you and your audience and its easy to soicalize too.When you are on wordpress you are the only admin of your site and there would be no fear for you that your blog gets deleted.But if are on blogger your blogger can be considered as spam and can be deleted any time by blogger. So its good to enhanche your protection and security of your blogger blog.So i will tell you how you can enhanche the protection and security of your blogger blog.

  1. Switch to a custom domain-When you are on blogger there are two administrators of your blogger blog one is you & the other is google.Well you can also say that you are only the assistant administrator because you have only the basic function that google gives to you and the actual administrator is google. Blogger blogs always have the risk of getting deleted any time by google if they are found violating their Tos.If you are using . .blogspot blog and google deletes it then you will loose it forever but if you are using an wordpress blog then you can turn to wordpress and start your career again.
  2. Do regular Backups-Its a good practise to keep backing up your blogger blog .If you do backups on regular basis and google deletes your blog anytime then you can go to wordpress and use your backed up file to get all your posts back.So its a good thing to keep backing up your blogger blog.
  3. Turn meta description on-Meta description is also very much important in the eyes of the search engines.This feature is turned off by blogger by default.You can turn turn on this feature by going to Settings  ›  Search preferences
  4. Switch Commenting System-Blogger default commenting system is not that good and doesnot provides good interactivity between you and your audience.So its good to swicth commenting system.I have already explained how to install disqus commenting system and how to install intensdebate commenting system.
So these were the things you can use to enhanche the protection and security of your blogger blogs.If you have any query or i missed anything then ask in the comments below.