Unlock your PC in Android Style with XUS PC Pattern lock

Android Has got been very popular these days with many major features in it and one of them is pattern lock.In the pattern lock the way you design your pattern is great and unlock your device is great.So its much more memorable and it can be used by any android phone user.Well this feature was also taken down to iPhone but it was not officialy but it was through cydia and making unofficial entry.

if you are a die hard fan of the pattern lock in your android phone and want it in your pc also then you are being lucky we have found an application through which you can add this type of pattern lock in your pc. It will work the same way it works on your android device and will do the same job for your pc.Well now you can unlock your pc in the same way you do on your android device and you can design your own pattern locks.And can unlock them by using your mouse.

XUS Pc Lock will take your pc looks and security to a whole new level. XUS Pc lock has a easy user interface through which you can easily set your desired pattern lock for your pc and can execute it on the go.If you want additional security then they even allow you to set passwords , so in any case you forgets your pattern lock then still you can have acsess your pc by entering your specified password.

This thing even looks better than the older password promoting dialog , now few dots will be on your pc and pattern drawn throug your pc mouse will easily bring your desktop back to you . They strictly warned about making sure that you have set a additional password so in any case your forget your pattern then still you can acsess your pc.

Well this screen lock is not provided free but it costs $19.95 but yes you can  give it a try by downloading their free trial version. So Just Download their trial version and have fun and do tell us about your experineces below.
