Benefits Of Making Your Website with WordPress

Hello Friends Wordpress is the most flexible platform availiable on the internet out there and people loves it a lot.The basic thinking when a blogger starts his own blog should be to start his blog with blogger and after getting a bit of sucsess then he should move to wordpress to give his blogging career a rise.Wordpress is a cms (Content Management System) That definately means that if you are not a coder even then you can create your website with it.Originally it is a blogging platform but it can be adjusted and wraped to make your blog look like a website.I have already told you the advantages and disadvantages of blogger to wordpress migration. So today i will tell you some of the benefits you gets if you start out your website with wordpress.

Benefits Of Making Your Website with WordPress

  1. Better Communication and enggagin with traffic-If you create your website with wordpress then you can do all the customizations availiable to make your site more beautiful and you can also engagge with your traffic very well.Wordpress is also very social network friendly.So you can do out anything you want with your website.
  2. Seo Friendly-This is the main benefit comes to my mind when i thinks to move to wordpress.Because there are a lot of plugins availiable for you to make your website SEO friendly even if you do not know more about S.E.O. even then you can make your site S.E.O. friendly.And for blogger they have only one page full of html that manages whole of your website that makes it less friendly.
  3. Easy to sell- A real pasionate blogger will never look to sell his blog but sometime some conditions arrive when you had to sell out your site then it becomes very tough to sell a blogger hosted site there are many reasons for it these are like free hosting,limited options and many more but if you are on wordpress you can sell off your wordpress blog pretty easily.
  4. Large number of plugins-THere are a large number of plugins that can do your work in a matter of time.There are many plugins that do your work Free & Paid.But if you are on blogger then there is no plugin for you you had to do everything in the single html page that will effect your S.E.O. is well.
  5. You are the Boss-Well thats the last point from me and yet the most effective one if you are on blogger then google can delete your website anytime even if you are 100% spam free one of my friend who was having his website on blogger with no spam was deleted by blogger and it becomes very hard to get back after your website has been deleted on the other hand on wordpress there is no one who can delete your website you are the boss and only you can do it.

From the Editors Desk:-

Well these were the benefits that i think are if you start out your website with wordpress if you have any more benefits that can be added in the list then comment below i will like to add them in the list.