How To Add Google Analytics Tracking Code In A Blogger Blog?

Hello Friends as a blogger analytics are very important for every blogger to get the right stastics of their blog like the unique visitors pageviews and from where the visitors are coming from and what type of devices they are using .Choosing an good company for your analytics is also important otherwise you will get wrong stastics.Google analytics is just the right company for your blog to get all the details about all of your visitors and from where they are coming and all about their devices and many more things.SO today i am going to tell you how you can install google analytics tracking code in your blogger blog.We have divided this in two steps the first is creating account with google analytics if you already have an account with google analytics you can skip this step and the second step is installing the tracking id in your blogger blog.

How To Create Google Analytics Account?

  • First of all go to Google Analytics.
  • Now click on the Create an account button there.
  • Now fill the form with right details and then click on Create Trcking id.
  • Now just copy the javascript code provided by google analytics.

How To Add Google Analytics Tracking Code In A Blogger Blog?

  • Now Go to your Blogger Dashboard
  • From the Drop down menu Click on Templates.
  • Now Click on Edit Html.
  • Now Search For .
  • Paste the javascript code you copied in first step just before .
  • Thats it friends any problems comment below.