Move over Pebble, the leader in smartwatch technology is back with a new device and the market power to dominate the space. The Sony Smartwatch 2 has officially been unveiled, sporting a new design, new interface and a cornucopia of new features. Specs include a 1.6-inch (220 x 176) touch display, NFC for easy pairing with your Android phone, Bluetooth 3.0 wrapped inside a dust and water resistant (IP57) aluminum body with a design reminiscent of the Sony Xperia Z. Sony will also include a stainless steel wrist band with the Smartwatch 2, but users will be able to personalize the device with any standard 24mm strap.
Similar to last year’s device, the Sony Smartwatch 2 allows users to receive notifications, answer calls, control music, track their workout and even read synced emails and notifications when the device is not connected to a phone. The user interface has received a face lift that mimics many of the familiar elements found in Android. Sony claims the Smartwatch 2 features the “longest battery life for a smartwatch,” which translates to 4 days of moderate use or 7 days for those who simply use the device as a standard watch.
Pricing for the device has not yet been announced, but the Sony Smartwatch 2 is currently scheduled for a global retail launch in September of this year.