Bitdefender Released Free Antivirus Edition Download Now

Bidvertiser The Top most known antivirus brand known for protecting your pc from every kind of viruses and malwares have launched their free version of their antivirus edition.They have added their years of research technology in their edition and made it free for the public who cant afford or they do not want to pay for any antivirus.Even i Am using the same antivirus solution for protecting my pc against viruses and malwares,so iam giving you trusted and honest review about this product.

This version is very lightweight as they say on their website and i also liked this edition . This free edition  does not have any configuration or setting option , so everything is automatic and lightweight.

This version of bidvertiser updates automatically and you dont even have any option to update it manually. They have taken all the craps out of this edition and have left everything that is useful.It keeps scaning your files evertime and even gives you an option to seacrh any individual file on the right click option.

Overall, Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition is a lightweight, simple to use security app and definitely worth a try. It is fully functional with Windows 8 and also supports older version of Windows including XP, Vista and Windows

So According to me bidvertiser's free edition is a good  protection for your pc to avoid threats like viruses and malwares. And as it is free you grab it out and install it on your pc and for more information visit their free edition page.