Google + Launched New updates

Hello Friends if you have visited your google plus profiles then you might now what i am talking about if you dont have visited your google plus profile today then go and visit it now so that you might get know about the updates launched by google plus today.Google plus is going to become the best social network in the near future.Google plus has given some updates today which are the bigger cover photo,a new tab for the local reviews,about section is totally redesigned. Google plus profiles now lookes totally awesome with these newer updates. Google plus is working really really hard to beat its competitors.

Now you will have a larger photo on your google + profiles.From now the cover photos in google plus profiles will display cover photos of 2120 by 1192 pixels at the ratio of 16:9 fully stretched.According to google this will allow its users to implement more pictures. Untill you change your cover photos your old cover photos will be displayed so go and update your cover photos.

Now thr about page of every user is full stretched and every portion is redefined and have a unique edit option in every portion.The about page now looks more cool and stable.This full width page or google plus about page looks inspired from facebook .
Among all the changes google + have launched a new tab called "Local".You can find it on the left side in your google plus profiles.By using this option you can find the resturents near them.They can also plus one those resturents .
So these were the few updates launched by google plus .What do you think about these updates do tell us in the comments.