Blogger Blogs having a custom domain works better than self hosted wordpress .I am saying this because there are several reasons for that and i will explain all of them for you.Wordpress blogs are hosted on shared hosting servers.So they dont have that much speed that blogger blogs have.If your blogger template is optimized correctly then your speed would be above 90 but if you are on self hosted wordpress then your site speed would be arroung 60-70.Yes thats true .Now you may be thinking why that much difference.Dont worry i will also be explaining this.So read out below points to check out why blogger is better than a self hosted wordpress.
Why Blogger is Better Than a Self Hosted WordPress Blog
- Blogger Had Dedicated Servers of Google-If you are on blogger then you will get free premium hosting from google .You will just pay only 10 $ but you will get benefits more than 200$ per month.Was not it was shoking.Because if you buy a dedicated server yourself then you it might cost arroung 200$/month.And blogger provides you these things for free.On Wordpress you might buy shread hosting that will not be good enough for you to host your site.
- Easy to Maintain-Blogger blogs are always easy to maintain but wordpress blogs are not.Blogger blogs are easy that even a newbie can work with it perfectly. But wordpress is not that easy it is a nightmare for a newbie.
- Less Spam-After you migrate blogger to wordpress this is the first thing you will notice still there are a lot of plugins availiable to stop spaaming but even they fail to filtre the spam out.On the other hand if you are on blogger even on default commenting system of blogger it automatically utilizes spam and does not let the comment to be published on your site without your permission.
- Blogger is Free-Well that also makes a differnce blogger is free for everyone to use but wordpress is not free for you you had to pay for domain and for hosting in all the cases.
- Free traffic and promotion-If you are working well on the blogger blog and you are posting your genuine content then you will get free traffic from google and your SERP rankings will increase day by day.
- Good Crawling Rate-Blogger blog are crawled better by the search engines .Search engine crawlers are very mcuh advanced and they can parse any type of script.But they are always best in HTML.So blogger is also Html thats why you blog will be crawled better by the search engine.